Spor Sarayı

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A uniq sports complex

  1. The first extensive sports complex build for a volleyball team in Turkey.
  2. The Project is owned and paid by the main sponsor of the club the Turkish leader finance company VakıfBank.
  3. Located in Uskudar which is one of the historical and central placec in İstanbul. Also transportationwise place which is close to Metro, Marmaray and seaway on Bosphorus.
  4. VakıfBank Volleyball Team play season home matches in VakıfBank Spor Sarayı since 2017- 2018 (VSS).

Facility ID

Facility Standard: International
Year of Construction: 2016
Capacity: 2000 spectators
Property Type: Sports Complex
Disability Availability: Suitable
Parking: Yes / 500
Meeting Room: Yes
Cafeteria: Yes




  • Selami Ali Mahallesi Vakıf Sokak
    No:8 Üsküdar / İstanbul

  • +90 216 341 19 86

  • +90 216 310 12 56

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